Questions to Ask Potential Co-Founders Before You Commit

August 8, 2024

I recently found myself in a situation where I was considering joining a startup as a co-founder. My previous co-founding (as well as romantic life) fails taught me the importance of asking questions before committing to any significant partnership. Here are several essential ones I learned to ask potential co-founders.

1. Vision and Values

  • What is your long-term vision for this company?
  • What are your core values, both personally and professionally?
  • What motivates you to build this specific company?

2. Roles and Responsibilities

  • What role do you envision for yourself in the company?
  • How do you see my role in the company?
  • How should we handle overlapping responsibilities or role conflicts?

3. Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution

  • What is your typical approach to making decisions?
  • How do you think we should handle disagreements?
  • What's your method for resolving conflicts?

4. Work Ethic and Commitment

  • What level of time commitment are you prepared to make?
  • How do you typically handle stress and high-pressure situations?
  • What are your expectations regarding work-life balance?

5. Financials and Equity

  • How do you think we should split the equity?
  • What are your thoughts on initial salaries and financial sacrifices?
  • How much capital are you willing to invest in the company?

6. Growth and Exit Strategy

  • How do you envision the company's growth over the next 3-5 years?
  • What's your ideal exit strategy?
  • What are your thoughts on raising external funding?
  • Are there any potential legal issues or conflicts of interest we should be aware of?
  • How do you approach ethical dilemmas in business?

8. Communication and Transparency

  • What's your preferred method of communication for business matters?
  • How transparent are you willing to be about company issues and finances?

9. Personal Goals and Expectations

  • What are your personal goals, both short-term and long-term?
  • How does this company fit into your broader life plan?
  • What circumstances would make you consider walking away from the company?

10. Risk Tolerance and Failure

  • How would you describe your risk tolerance in business?
  • What's your plan if the company fails?

11. Experience and Skill Sets

  • What specific skills and experiences do you bring to this venture?
  • Have you had any previous startup experience? If so, what were the outcomes?
  • What do you consider your biggest strengths and weaknesses as a potential co-founder?

12. Cultural Fit

  • What type of company culture do you want to create?
  • How do you handle working with people who have different perspectives or backgrounds?


Asking these questions helped me understand my potential co-founders better and allowed us to align our expectations from the start. While it may feel tedious and uncomfortable to ask such questions directly, I found that it's far better to address them upfront than to face conflicts down the road. I recommend anyone considering a co-founder relationship to have open and honest discussions about these topics before making a commitment. If you decide to work with me, here are my replies to those questions.